Thursday, September 14, 2006

broder again wrong on lieberman

In his column about recent primary results (where Democrats and Republicans made "prudent" choices), David Broder again mischaracterizes Joe Lieberman's primary loss. Broder said other results in Democratic primary makes "suspect" the idea that Ned Hanlon represents a new model for the party.

There was nothing "new" about Connecticut Democrats rejecting Lieberman. It was less about Hanlon, and more about deciding they really didn't want a so-called Democrat who keeps cozying up to the (Republican) President, supporting the increasingly unpopular war in Iraq, criticizing fellow Democrats, and accusing them of being soft on terrorism (sounds like Karl Rove). With primary voters unhappy about Lieberman already, the main thing Hanlon brought was the money to establish himself as a credible opponent. Hardly a new model.


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