Sunday, October 01, 2006

republicans like their pedophiles

The Foley scandal gets richer with the in-fighting in the GOP House leadership. Tom Reynolds refuted Speaker Denny Hastert's claim that he hadn't known about the Foley penchant for sending sexually explicit emails to young Congressional pages. But Hastert and others in the GOP did know, they knew for months, and they kept quiet until one of the young men who had gotten emails from Foley told an adult about it.

Why? Because the Republicans will always protect their own, even an apparent pedophile. That makes a bit of a mockery of the GOP laws to crack down on sex crimes against minors, which included Congressman Foley as a co-sponsor.

So when you vote, remember: Republicans will protect a known pedophile because they care about their fellow party members more than young Congressional pages or frankly than anybody else, with the possible exception of their campaign contributors. And Jack Abramoff.


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