Sunday, May 11, 2008

a name to watch out for

We've seen the news this weekend about what some are absurdly calling an American royal wedding - the marriage this weekend of former partygirl chubby Jenna Bush.

Okay but the real news is, who's she marrying? It's some guy called Henry Hager.

Not just any guy. Hager worked for Karl Rove in the Bush White House. His dad John Hager after a career in tobacco, was lieutenant governor of Virginia, served in the Department of Education in the de facto Bush Administration, and is the president of the Virginia Republican Party.

So Hager looks like a safe person to have around Jenna and the rest of the Bush family. I'm sure they are very much in love and Henry isn't just marrying her because of who her Daddy is.

But let's see how long his hitch with Constellation Energy (energy? Of course - he's a Bush now) lasts and how long it is before he is mentioned for some elective office...
