Wednesday, January 02, 2008

aiding and abetting identity theft

There are organizations out there that have personal data on you on their computer networks and feel no compunction about making it available to anybody who's curious, without asking about their intentions.

There are organizations out there that have personal data on you on their computer networks and don't feel the need to protect it adequately.

Somebody should tell the government, right? Well unfortunately both the willing provider and the lax protector are government agencies.

I'm afraid I don't have any good solution to this. It's unlikely you can stop dealing with government agencies (federal, state and local), whether to get a drivers license, file tax forms, or buy or sell a house.

But you can try contacting politicians at all levels to let them know you don't appreciate your personal data being made widely available on-line (which is, if they hadn't noticed, totally different than being available to anybody who wanted to come downtown to the courthouse to look thru the paper records) to people who don't need it.



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