Saturday, December 30, 2006

kansas republicans take aim at their foot

This is very amusing -- read here for the story of how Kansas' Republican state attorney general Phill Kline was beaten in November by a Republican-turned-Democrat Paul Morrison, prosecutor for Johnson County. Kline, and other GOP candidates like Congressman Jim Ryun, lost because Democrats and moderate Republicans turned against their extremist politics (Kline was searching for abortionists to hang).

And what did the GOP precinct leaders of Johnson County do to replace Morrison for the two years of his term remaining? They picked KLINE to take over.

As a supporter of the Democrats, all I can say to the GOP leaders of Johnson County is, thank you. Yes, the poor people of Johnson County (who supported Morrison over Kline by 2-1) will have to put up with Kline's fundamentalist christian grandstanding for two years. But this will help keep the whacko wing of the Kansas Republican Party front and center in Kansas' most heavily populated county, and will help them suffer another sharp defeat there in 2008.


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