Sunday, November 20, 2005

(don't) read about it in the sunday papers

The front page of today's Washington Post features the following stories:

A Rebuilding Plan Full of Cracks
Iraq War Debate Eclipses All Other Issues
Taste for Space Is Spawning Mansions Fit for A Commoner
Wounded Sergeant Fights for A Best Friend
At Metro, Some Crimes Don't Count

The article covering the deaths of five US soldiers and 50-something Iraqis in various bombings around the country was placed on page 22. Today's New York Times had cover articles about politics on Capitol Hill, Bush's visit to China, Katrina relief money going to a Mississippi city (Jackson) that was essentially untouched by the storm, children of sperm donors, a bill authorizing the purchase of federal land, and sectarian hatred in Iraq. The last one refers readers to an article on page 8 about the latest bombings.

On what was clearly not the busiest news day (note the almost-complete lack of overlap between the two front pages), why don't bombings that kill dozens of civilians and several American soldiers rate page one coverage over a lame thumb-sucker on various (allegedly-common) people with too much money building huge houses with entire wings they never use? Because the death of 50 Iraqis and five Americans is pretty much an everyday routine event, and everyday routine events rarely make page one.

If the death of 50 Iraqis and five American soldiers in one day is routine, can anybody really believe the bullshit emanating from the de facto Administration about how swimmingly the war in Iraq is going?



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