Tuesday, April 13, 2010

preparing for the insurrection

So maybe Oklahoma would like to be the South Carolina of the second Civil War? Some right-wing legislators in that state along with whacko tea party leaderrs (pardon the redundancy) are apparently considering creating a new volunteer state militia. Purpose? "(T)o help defend against what they believe are improper federal infringements on state sovereignty."

It isn't exactly clear how they propose to do this. The what, however, of such a proposal is clear. The what is treason, or perhaps insurrection.

How else to describe people taking up arms to resist by force the legitimate acts of a legitimate government? That's what these embittered loons are implying, though for sure they will resent the implication and will try to back off and say this isn't about treason or insurrection or intimidation of their political opponents. The fact that they are trying to do it at a state level doesn't change the basic equation. South Carolina and the rest of the Confederate state also committed treason in 1860-65.

Not all Oklahoma Republicans are drinking this Kool Aid. Republican state Senator Steve Russell said that the existing Oklahoma National Guard can handle disaster relief, and "Anything beyond that purpose should be viewed with great concern and caution." But at least two state legislators - Randy Brogdon and Charles Key, both Republicans - have made positive noises about this prospect.

I guess they would rather contest the issues of the day by armed intimidation, instead of using legislatures, courts, and the polling booth. A new twist on the modern yet half-baked tea party concept of nullification.

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